PEONFX mean people on fix, is a group of passionate fixie riders that appreciate a good gathering and cycling, based in Singapore which much will known it well as a concrete jungle and of cozz, by the Lion City nick!!
I loved the ideas of PEONFX which its not form as a cycling crew, or some might known as fixed group or gangs whatever, which had a specified members, they are form based just on the love of cycling and fixed gear lifestyle. They are free, no limitation and they ride with anyone, and everyone that loves pedal power!
PEONFX also claim that they are an apparel company and support fixie fashion and an effort to expand fixie lifestyle. Sure we'll support that expanding thangss guys! They accept international order and shipped worldwide. For products and more info, checkout PEONFX itself at
So lets ride! Safely!
Thanks : Jjay Ali & the whole PEONFXers!
Keep riding... pedal pushers! :)